X-by-wire Vehicle Prototype: Automatic Driving Maneuver Implementation for Real-Time MBS Model Validation

In the development process of a complex product, such as those in the automotive industry, multibody (MBS) models are now widely employed [1]. Cost reduction and shorter development time are some of the most relevant contributions of multibody techniques. MBS models can be built either using specific tools and methods that guarantee flexibility and efficiency, or using commercial MBS software allowing greater ease of use. In the literature, several self-developed MBS models for full-vehicles are available [2]–[6]. To validate the accuracy of vehicle models, a methodology, employed for the validation of the NADSdyna model of the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS), consists of three main phases: experimental data collection from the vehicle, data conditioning, and comparison of simulation predictions with the experimental data [7]–[9]. As measuring dynamic responses of a vehicle is not an error-free exercise, several subsystems (throttle, brake, steering wheel…) of test vehicles are often automated to improve maneuver repeatability. In this paper, an X-by-wire (or instrumented and automated) vehicle is used to automatically repeat maneuvers in order to generate benchmark data to validate a self-developed MBS model [2]. Section 2 presents the motivations for the validation of the self-developed MBS vehicle model and the associated techniques. Section 3 describes in detail the vehicle instrumentation. In section 4, experimental data of the vehicle dynamics are gathered during specific automatic maneuvers. Finally, section 5 presents the concluding remarks.