Transonic Turbulent flow in a 3D channel with a swept bump


The objective of the present test case is to analyze the field resulting from a 3D shock wave /boundary  layer  interaction  occurring  in  a  3D  channel  with  a  swept  bump.  In  this  case,  the interactions taking place with the boundary layers of the four walls can lead to the formation of  several  separations  which  are  at  the  origin  of  vortical  structures  cause  of  intense secondary  flows.  Experiments  executed  at  Onera  by  Délery  team  provide  a  thorough description  of  the  flow  field  and  detailed  experimental  data  are  available  [1].  Reference computations with RANS/2 eq. turbulence models have  been performed [2].
The target quantities of interest are the static pressure distribution on the walls, the turbulent kinetic energy profiles and the mean stream-wise velocity profiles in longitudinal planes.